Our area has been privy to a number of high level tournaments of late, both National and Local, USAPA sanctioned and otherwise…most had a number of factors in common…a ton of participants(many highly qualified), they came from almost everywhere, there were lots of observers and plenty of action…players of all skill levels and all ages; mens, womens and mixed doubles, even singles…whether you played or not, you saw a lot…whether you medaled or you were two and out, you still saw a lot…

BUT, if you played…did you walk away just one game short of moving on, one game short of a medal, or one game short of the gold?…if so, …

The question is…”What did you learn from all this?”…

Clearly, it’s going to be different for everyone…but, simply because there were so many participants, you saw many, many different techniques, different strategies, different strokes and different shots…certainly, some good, some great and some, maybe not so good (“what not to do!”)…

Still, the point remains…What was your take away?…

Win or lose, you always can come away with something that will help you next time…that is, of course, if you take the time to go over just what it was that stood out for you…was it something YOU didn’t do? Something someone did TO you? Or just something you observed? Where else could you get such an opportunity ?…here was a chance to see and learn from literally hundreds of matches and players, almost all at one time…

What technique did you observe that was obviously effective?

What strategy of play was used that produced winning results?

What stroke was often overwhelming?

What shot or placement created an opening or was an outright winner?

Recalling these observations, why not incorporate them into your game…wouldn’t it be great if you could walk away(take away) just one thing that would make your game just that little bit better?…

And don’t stop there..whenever you see something that could benefit your game, add it to yours…

Time to Get Started!!!