There are no dedicated public Pickleball courts in northern Beaufort. Beaufort County Council is open to adding Pickleball to the Master Plan. This is an important first step to funding.


1. Please email Sarah Brock at asking Beaufort County Council to add Pickleball to the Master Plan and to include courts in the 2021-2022 budget. Please use your own words but make these points. Suggested statement: “I (we) support adding Pickleball to the Beaufort County Master Plan and allocating part of the 2021-2022 budget to provide dedicated Pickleball courts in northern Beaufort County.” Please send this email prior to April 18.

2. Please call and email your County Council representative with the same message. Go to to find the contact info (and map if you do not know who your representative is).

3. On April 19, 2021 at 3:30 pm, there will be a public comment opportunity. We will send you a link as a reminder. Here it is if you wish to have it early. The government generally uses the Cisco WebEx application. If you do not have this, download the app prior to the meeting. If you do not have the Zoom app, download that also…just in case! And ask your local friends and family to join us by contacting their council representative in support of public Pickleball in northern Beaufort County.

We greatly appreciate your help!!!