At one point Pleasant Point Plantation courts were worn and covered with many cracks from uprooted trees. No one would play tennis for fear of injury. No one heard of pickleball at the time. But we had a gem in disguise. In comes a group with the same interest of renovating the courts for this new sport.

First came filling in the cracks then laying down the tape to make a pickleball court over laying the current tennis court. There were very few players, maybe 6 due to unsafe conditions.

Many people showed an interest if the courts were repaired. Then started the process of making the courts playable for all. A committee was formed to bring suggestions to the Board Of Directors to repair the courts. The committee researched companies to do the repairs, cost involved, and timeline for anticipated results. The BOD allocated a set amount with the difference to be raised by the pickleball committee.

The work was to begin as a fund raiser. Local artists, architectures, tennis pros from Pleasant Point and our invited pickleball playing guests all donated their talents. Many donated cash. This great group raised enough funds to cover the the shortfall of funds allocated from the BOD.

A professional company was given the contract and repairs were to begin. What started as 2 tennis courts in disarray became 2 stand alone pickleball courts and 1 tennis/pickleball court. What started as a group of 5 players with a dream became beautiful courts with up to 28 players on a given day.

Our Motto

Point of contact is Carl Diiorio: